If you can't find an answer, feel free to drop us a lins on the Contact Us page.
Is ChillUP only for Bahrain?
ChillUP starts in Bahrain. It’s aiming to grow to cover kids activities/events in the GCC area within 3 years. If you are interested in bringing ChillUP to your country, feel free to drop us a line.
What types of businesses can be on ChillUP?
Any business that offers activities/events for kids from 0-16 or for family can join ChillUP. We currently have 10 main categories: Art & Craft, Baby & Toddler, Camp, Health, Entertainment, Family, Language, Life Skills, Music & Dance, Sports & Fitness.
Can I switch to the Chill FREE package at any time?
Yes. Superchill can be paid on a monthly basis. It can be switched to the Free package at any time.
What are the different vendor package options?
There is Chill FREE that offers basic business listing and 2 free activities listing. Superchill offers a complete package, from creating unlimited activities and events, activities listing, to booking, payment transactions, user list etc.
What is the Admin Role?
Admin has most permissions except for the following:
What is the Editor Role?